AI and cybersecurity

AI brings security vulnerabilities, and it can also assist your cybersecurity program.
Let’s work together

AI vulnerabilities

We work with your IT team to understand any vulnerabilities that AI implementation may introduce into your systems—and how to mitigate them. 

Harness AI

AI can assist with monitoring and reporting. Throw a RAG in the mix, and you've got your own 24/7 expert (accountable to your human team, of course).

Integrate responsibly

Robust AI governance solutions ensure you integrate AI into your tech stack sustainably and responsibly. Let's do this right the first time.

Let's talk AI and security

Security is so important. We look forward to discussing how we can support your IT team.

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About us

Talbot West bridges the gap between AI developers and the average executive who's swamped by the rapidity of change. You don't need to be up to speed with RAG, know how to write an AI corporate governance framework, or be able to explain transformer architecture. That's what Talbot West is for. 

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