Your partner in AI implementation and assessment.

Hype no. Utility yes.

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Let’s make AI work for you

Increase efficiency. Decrease risk. Don’t be left behind.

AI is changing the world at lightning speed. Are you ready?

We’re in the beginnings of the greatest technological upheaval humanity has ever experienced. Will you leverage artificial intelligence, or will you be left behind by it?

Generative AI (commonly shortened to gen AI) is a subcategory of artificial intelligence that creates new content—text, video, images, or other formats—based on patterns learned. Gen AI contrasts in this regard with discriminative AI, which serves a classification function (“is this transaction fraudulent or legitimate?”). 

Generative AI systems are trained on vast quantities of data and produce original content that is similar to its training data but not an exact copy. In this regard, gen AI resembles human learning: we learn language (and many other things) by immersion, then produce language patterns that are uniquely our own while being of the same type as our surrounding culture.

The capabilities of generative AI increase in leaps and bounds, yet the implementation of AI is fraught with peril. Many AI technologies show tremendous potential, yet their actual performance falls short. Before rolling out artificial intelligence “solutions” in a live environment, we recommend limited pilots to test feasibility and identify challenges. See our feasibility study service page for more on this. 

Here are a few of the ways that AI is transforming business operations, either presently or in the near future:

  1. Producing dynamic, personalized email campaigns and newsletters
  2. Developing creative concepts for advertising campaigns and brand identities
  3. Powering intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants for 24/7 customer support
  4. Generating human-like responses to customer inquiries across various channels
  5. Creating personalized troubleshooting guides and how-to content
  6. Automatically generating responses to common customer complaints or feedback
  7. Generating new product designs, prototypes, and 3D models
  8. Optimizing existing product designs for performance, aesthetics, or manufacturability
  9. Creating realistic simulations of product usage scenarios for testing and validation
  10. Automating the creation of reports, summaries, and presentations
  11. Producing transcripts, captions, and translations for multimedia content
  12. Creating data visualizations, infographics, and interactive dashboards
  13. Creating personalized onboarding and training materials for new hires
  14. Producing employee engagement and satisfaction surveys
  15. Generating synthetic data for diversity, equity, and inclusion training scenarios
  16. Generating personalized sales pitches and proposals
  17. Creating engaging presentations and demo videos for prospects
  18. Producing market research reports and competitive intelligence insights
  19. Generating leads and identifying potential partnership opportunities
  20. Generating financial reports, forecasts, and budgets
  21. Creating data visualizations and dashboards for financial performance monitoring
  22. Producing risk assessment and audit reports
  23. Generating synthetic financial data for fraud detection and anti-money laundering training
  24. Generating optimal delivery routes and schedules
  25. Creating demand forecasts and inventory management strategies
  26. Producing realistic simulations of supply chain disruptions for contingency planning
  27. Generating contract templates and legal documents
  28. Creating prototypes and proof-of-concept demonstrations
  29. Producing research papers, patent applications, and technical documents

See our complete guide to AI use cases for more. If you’d like to explore specific implementations for your company, contact us for a free consultation.


An AI governance framework defines the guidelines, policies, and processes for managing the development, deployment, and use of artificial intelligence systems within an organization. It focuses on ethical principles, policies, accountability, auditing, and risk management. It also defines the roles and responsibilities associated with the maintenance and enforcement of said AI policies and guidelines.

How can we help?

What are you working on? How are you thinking about AI for your organization? What problems would you like to solve? 

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Talbot West bridges the gap between AI developers and the average executive who's swamped by the rapidity of change. You don't need to be up to speed with RAG, know how to write an AI corporate governance framework, or be able to explain transformer architecture. That's what Talbot West is for. 

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