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What are hyperparameters in neural networks?
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What are hyperparameters in neural networks?

By Jacob Andra / Published November 28, 2024 
Last Updated: November 28, 2024

Executive summary:

Hyperparameters are the control settings that determine how AI models learn and perform. They control everything from learning speed to model complexity. While AI systems learn many parameters on their own during training, hyperparameters require expert configuration.

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In neural networks, hyperparameters control how AI models learn from data. Think of them as the dials and switches you adjust before training starts. They fine-tune how fast the model learns or how complex it should be.

Main takeaways
Hyperparameters control how neural networks learn and perform.
Learning rate and batch size directly impact training efficiency.
Expert configuration of hyperparameters prevents model failure.
Automated tuning techniques optimize model performance.

What do hyperparameters in neural networks do?

Hyperparameters are the settings or controls that guide how a neural network learns from data. Unlike parameters, which the network learns independently, hyperparameters are manually set before training begins. They determine how the learning process unfolds and significantly impact the model’s performance.

By carefully selecting and adjusting hyperparameters, you can improve how well the network performs on tasks. Here’s what hyperparameters in neural networks do:

  • Influence the learning strategy: Hyperparameters define the model's overall strategy during training. They control how the model navigates through its learning space, affecting whether it takes smaller, more cautious steps or makes bigger, bolder changes as it learns.
  • Guide the learning process: Hyperparameters determine how the model explores and adapts to the patterns in the data. They influence how aggressively or cautiously the model adjusts as it learns and directly impact its ability to find the right balance between learning too fast and too slow.
  • Control the trade-off between learning and generalization: Hyperparameters manage how well the model generalizes from the training data to new, unseen data, maintaining the balance between overfitting and underfitting. If the model focuses too much on fitting the training data perfectly, it may fail to perform well in real-world scenarios. If it doesn’t learn enough from the training data, it may underperform.
  • Optimize performance: The right hyperparameter settings allows the model to be efficient and effective and prevent it from wasting resources or time. It optimizes the model's ability to handle data complexity and safeguard a smooth learning process.

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Types of hyperparameters in neural networks

There are five essential hyperparameters that control how a model learns:

  1. Learning rate: This hyperparameter controls how quickly the model adjusts to the data. A higher learning rate means faster learning but with the risk of overshooting the best solution, while a lower learning rate means slower learning but with more precision.
  2. Batch size: During training, the model processes data in chunks rather than looking at the entire dataset at once. Batch size defines how many data samples are processed at a time before the model updates its internal parameters. A larger batch size can make training faster but might require more computational power, whereas a smaller batch size can lead to more accurate updates but slower training.
  3. Number of epochs: An epoch refers to one complete pass through the entire dataset. The number of epochs controls how many times the network will process the dataset. Too few epochs might result in underfitting (not learning enough from the data), while too many can lead to overfitting (learning the noise along with the signal).
  4. Dropout rate: This hyperparameter prevents overfitting by randomly "dropping" or ignoring certain neurons during training. It forces the network to not rely too heavily on any one part, making the model more robust and better at generalizing to new, unseen data.
  5. Optimizer choice: The optimizer is the algorithm used to minimize the model’s error or loss during training. There are different optimizers such as Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and Adam, each with their own trade-offs in terms of speed and accuracy.

Together, these hyperparameters influence model accuracy, training speed, and generalization ability.

What are hyperparameter tuning techniques?

Hyperparameter tuning techniques are systematic methods used to find the optimal configuration of model settings that maximize performance. These techniques automate the search process, balance the trade-off between computational resources, and find the best possible hyperparameter values.

Here are the primary hyperparameter tuning techniques:

  • Grid search tests every possible combination from predefined hyperparameter values. While thorough, it's computationally expensive and best suited for scenarios with few parameters or when expert knowledge can limit the search space.
  • Random search samples random combinations from defined ranges. This approach is often more efficient than grid search since it can discover good configurations without testing every possibility, especially when not all hyperparameters are equally important.
  • Bayesian optimization uses probabilistic models to predict promising hyperparameter combinations based on previous results. By learning from each trial, it makes increasingly informed decisions about which combinations to test next.
  • Population-based training runs multiple neural networks in parallel and compares their performance. Poor performers are replaced with modified versions of successful ones, evolving the population toward optimal settings during training.
  • Gradient-based optimization directly optimizes continuous hyperparameters by computing performance gradients. While unsuitable for discrete parameters like batch size, it's efficient for tuning continuous values like learning rates.
  • Hyperband evaluates many configurations quickly with minimal resources, then increases resources for promising candidates. This efficient approach identifies strong configurations early and focuses computational power on the most promising options.
  • Neural architecture search uses machine learning to automatically discover optimal network architectures and hyperparameters. Though computationally intensive, it can uncover novel architectures that outperform human designs.

Hyperparameters in CHAI

Art deco aesthetic, minimalist honeycomb circuit board with hexagonal nodes, each node representing hyperparameters as dials or gauges, symbolizing coordinated AI modules in a cognitive hive. Abstract network connections in the background, metallic and glowing accents, landscape orientation.

In a cognitive hive AI (CHAI) implementation, hyperparameters can steer individual AI modules, or coordinate behavior across multiple AI modules working in concert. Here at Talbot West, our expertise in hyperparameter optimization ensures each component of your CHAI system operates at peak efficiency, whether you're integrating multiple large language models (LLMs), processing sensor data, or combining different neural architectures for complex business tasks.

  • We assess your needs and craft a custom AI architecture that combines the right technologies for your business goals.
  • We build and deploy your CHAI system, handling everything from data pipelines to security measures.
  • We develop KPIs and benchmarks specific to your CHAI ecosystem to measure both individual modules and overall system performance.
  • We create a roadmap for your AI growth, so your system can easily integrate new technologies and expand across business units.

Hyperparameters in neural networks FAQ

Learning rate is a classic hyperparameter that controls how quickly a neural network learns from data. Think of it like a throttle control—set it too high and the model learns too aggressively, potentially missing optimal solutions. Set it too low and training becomes inefficiently slow.

Other common examples include batch size (how much data the model processes at once), number of hidden layers (the model's depth), and number of neurons per layer (the model's width). These settings significantly impact both model performance and computational resources.

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have several hyperparameters:

  • Sequence length determines how much historical data the network considers.
  • Hidden layer size affects the model's capacity to learn complex patterns.
  • Dropout rate helps prevent overfitting.

Learning rate and batch size are important as with other neural networks. The choice of activation functions and optimization algorithms is also important in RNN performance.

Convolution itself isn't a hyperparameter, but convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have several important hyperparameters related to their convolution operations. These include kernel size (the dimensions of the convolution filter), stride (how the filter moves across the input), and the number of filters per layer. These settings determine how the network processes visual information and significantly impact both performance and computational requirements.

The number of neurons in each layer is a crucial hyperparameter that directly affects the model's capacity and performance. More neurons can capture more complex patterns but require more computational resources and training data.

It’s important to find the right balance. Too few neurons limit the model's learning ability, while too many can lead to overfitting and increased training costs. This is where expertise in architecture design becomes valuable.

Lambda (λ) is a hyperparameter commonly used in regularization techniques to prevent overfitting. It controls the strength of regularization—higher values create simpler models by penalizing complex patterns more heavily, while lower values allow more complex patterns to emerge. The optimal lambda value depends on your specific use case, data characteristics, and the balance needed between model simplicity and predictive power.

Learning rate is one of the most critical hyperparameters in neural networks. It controls how much the model adjusts its weights in response to errors during training. Too high a learning rate can cause unstable training or missed optima, while too low a rate leads to slow convergence. Modern approaches often use adaptive learning rates that adjust automatically during training, but the initial learning rate and decay schedule remain important hyperparameters to tune.

The right hyperparameters unlock your neural network's full potential. Here are the proven methods for hyperparameter optimization:

  • Grid search: systematically tests predefined combinations of hyperparameters to find the best configuration
  • Random search: samples hyperparameter values from specified ranges, often finding good solutions more efficiently than grid search
  • Bayesian optimization: uses probabilistic models to intelligently explore the hyperparameter space, learning from previous trials
  • Automated tools: leverages specialized software that can rapidly test and optimize hyperparameters while you focus on business objectives
  • Expert guidance: combines automated approaches with domain knowledge to speed up the optimization process and avoid common pitfalls

Natural language processing (NLP) models rely on several hyperparameters to optimize their performance. Leading machine learning researchers such as Yoshua Bengio have demonstrated how different combinations of hyperparameter values affect NLP model performance.

In deep learning models for NLP, some of the main settings include vocabulary size, embedding dimensions, and the number of hidden units in each layer. The model training process also depends on hyperparameters such as learning rate, batch size, and the choice of loss function. Additional parameters control sequence length, attention mechanisms, and dropout rates. These values significantly impact both the model's ability to process language and its computational efficiency.

Bias is a model parameter, not a hyperparameter. While hyperparameters control the training process and network architecture, bias values are learned during training alongside weights. The distinction matters: hyperparameters such as learning rate, number of hidden units, and activation functions shape how the network learns, while bias helps each neuron adjust its output for optimal performance. This relationship between model parameters and hyperparameters is fundamental to deep learning techniques.


  • LeCun, Y., Bengio, Y., & Hinton, G. (2015). Deep learning. Nature, 521(7553), 436-444.

About the author

Jacob Andra is the founder of Talbot West and a co-founder of The Institute for Cognitive Hive AI, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting Cognitive Hive AI (CHAI) as a superior architecture to monolithic AI models. Jacob serves on the board of 47G, a Utah-based public-private aerospace and defense consortium. He spends his time pushing the limits of what AI can accomplish, especially in high-stakes use cases. Jacob also writes and publishes extensively on the intersection of AI, enterprise, economics, and policy, covering topics such as explainability, responsible AI, gray zone warfare, and more.
Jacob Andra

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