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ServicesRetrieval augmented generation
What can RAG do for my business?
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An art deco-style double helix DNA structure with clearly defined strands, intertwined with glowing data streams and geometric patterns. The DNA strands have motifs of leaves and natural elements, symbolizing biomimicry. The glowing data streams should clearly represent the integration of RAG technology with natural data storage.

What can RAG do for my business?

By Jacob Andra / Published July 31, 2024 
Last Updated: August 9, 2024

A general-purpose large language model is poorly-equipped for the specialized jargon and expertise of your industry. It knows nothing of the inner workings of your company. But what if AI could be a specialist, understanding your processes and procedures, your industry, and your jargon? This is where retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) shines.

Main takeaways
RAG turns a generalist LLM into a specialist.
RAG gives a decisive competitive advantage.
RAG can streamline every department and discipline.

What is RAG?

RAG combines the power of generative AI with the precision of targeted data retrieval. RAG returns much more accurate, relevant responses in niche domains, compared to a generalist LLM.

A RAG system has two main components:

  1. Your knowledge library: the repository of relevant documents and data you want an LLM to query over. This is usually in the form of a vector database. External sources—datastreams, APIs, etc—can also be pulled in.
  2. A large language model (LLM) that queries your knowledge library and returns a response.

Our “What is RAG?” article goes into much more detail on how the process all works.

Why is RAG needed?

While large language models have revolutionized AI capabilities, they come with inherent limitations that reduce their effectiveness in enterprise settings:

  1. Outdated knowledge: LLMs operate with a fixed knowledge cutoff, lacking real-time information. Their massive training datasets make frequent updates impractical, leaving them behind on current events and emerging trends.
  2. Generic understanding: trained on broad, public data, LLMs lack the specialized knowledge crucial for many business applications. They can't access your company's proprietary information, limiting their utility in domain-specific tasks.
  3. Lack of transparency: LLMs often function as "black boxes," making it challenging to trace the sources or reasoning behind their outputs. This opacity can be problematic in scenarios requiring accountability or explanation.
  4. Resource intensity: developing and deploying specialized foundation models demands substantial computational power and expertise, putting them out of reach for many organizations.

These constraints significantly affect the accuracy and reliability of generative AI applications in business contexts. For tasks requiring nuanced understanding of company-specific information or up-to-date knowledge, unmodified LLMs fall short.

What can RAG do?

Unlike off-the-shelf LLMs, RAG taps directly into your company's knowledge base, delivering insights that are tailored to your specific needs and context.

Think about your customer service team. With RAG, they're not just working faster—they're working smarter. Your AI can now answer complex queries by pulling from your product manuals, policy documents, and past customer interactions. This means faster resolution times, happier customers, and support agents freed up to handle the trickiest issues.

But RAG's impact goes far beyond customer service. In sales and marketing, RAG gives each team member a tireless research assistant. Imagine your sales reps instantly accessing the most relevant case studies, product specs, and competitive intel for each prospect. Or your marketing team crafting hyper-personalized campaigns by combining customer data with deep product knowledge.

For R&D teams, RAG is a game-changer. It can sift through patents, research papers, and internal reports at lightning speed, uncovering connections and insights that humans might miss. This doesn't just accelerate innovation—it can open up entirely new avenues for product development.

In highly regulated industries such as healthcare or finance, RAG shines in risk management and compliance. It can keep your teams up-to-date on the latest regulations, flag potential compliance issues in real-time, and even assist in audit preparation. This proactive approach can save your company from costly missteps.

Human resource departments are also finding RAG invaluable. From improving the recruitment process by better matching candidates to job requirements, to personalizing employee training programs, RAG helps HR become more strategic and employee-centric.

The real power of RAG lies in its adaptability. As your business grows and changes, so does your RAG system. It continuously learns from new data, ensuring that the insights it provides are always fresh and relevant. This means your AI isn't just a static tool—it's an ever-evolving partner in your business growth.

Implementing RAG isn't just about keeping up with technology trends. It's about giving your entire organization a competitive edge. By making the wealth of your company's knowledge instantly accessible and actionable, RAG empowers your teams to make smarter decisions faster, serve customers better, and drive innovation in ways you might not have thought possible.

10 examples of RAG usefulness

The following examples illustrate the potential of RAG to outperform generalist generative models across a wide range of industries and disciplines. This is just a small sampling to get your creative juices flowing; there are infinitely many ways to implement RAG, and infinitely many ways for it to increase efficiency and the quality of your outcomes.

Aart deco-inspired illustration featuring a stylized tree at the center with circuit-like branches and roots. The tree's leaves are geometrically patterned, and the background incorporates intricate, symmetrical designs with gold and green tones. The composition should blend natural elements like leaves and branches with abstract, technological motifs, including various shapes and lines resembling circuits and connections.

The following examples illustrate the potential of RAG to outperform generalist generative models across a wide range of industries and disciplines. This is just a small sampling to get your creative juices flowing; there are infinitely many ways to implement RAG, and infinitely many ways for it to increase efficiency and the quality of your outcomes.

1. Clinical decision support

  • Industry: healthcare
  • Pain point: physicians struggle to stay up to date with medical literature and patient history, which hampers their ability to make the best decisions for their patients.
  • Solution: implement a RAG system that accesses proprietary patient data (with the correct governance controls, of course) and medical databases to provide real-time, evidence-based recommendations that are hyper targeted to specific patients.

2. Fraud detection

  • Industry: finance
  • Pain point: it’s difficult and slow to analyze billions of financial transactions and identify patterns that could indicate fraud.
  • Solution: use a RAG system to cross-reference transaction data with internal fraud patterns and external financial crime databases.

3. Personalized marketing

  • Industry: retail
  • Pain point: tailored marketing strategies require time-consuming extensive data analysis and customer segmentation.
  • Solution: deploy a RAG system that integrates customer purchase histories and browsing data with marketing trends to generate personalized, highly targeted marketing campaigns. Generate on-brand marketing campaigns matched to the stage a customer is in their buying journey.

4. Supply chain optimization

  • Industry: manufacturing
  • Pain point: managing inventory and predicting supply chain disruptions involves handling massive datasets and investing significant time and resources for sub-par outcomes.
  • Solution: implement a RAG system to access and analyze internal supply chain data and external market trends, providing actionable insights to optimize inventory levels and anticipate disruptions.

5. Document review

  • Industry: legal
  • Pain point: It’s time-consuming and labor intensive to review legal documents and contracts for compliance and risk assessment purposes.
  • Solution: use a RAG system to quickly retrieve relevant legal precedents, case law, and company-specific contract details, significantly reducing the time needed for thorough document review.

6. Predictive maintenance

  • Industry: energy
  • Use case: predictive maintenance
  • Pain point: equipment failures lead to costly downtime and safety risks.
  • Solution: have a RAG system analyze data from internal sensors and external maintenance records to predict equipment failures and schedule preventive maintenance.

7. Curriculum development

  • Industry: education
  • Pain point: curricula development is a demanding process that requires considerable time and resources, with much of the investment going to research and information synthesis.
  • Solution: a RAG system gathers and synthesizes information from educational standards, academic journals, and internal curriculum resources. Educators develop well-informed and current curricula much more efficiently.

8. Employee training programs

  • Industry: human resources
  • Pain point: it takes a lot of time and resources to create customized training programs for individual employees. Much of the time and resources go to data collection and analysis.
  • Solution: give a RAG access to internal employee performance records (with the right governance protocols, of course), industry standards, and training resources. With instant insights, HR can rapidly deploy customized training programs that address specific skill gaps and improve overall employee performance.

9. Network optimization

  • Industry: telecommunications
  • Pain point: network performance and capacity planning involves complex data analysis from many sources.
  • Solution: a RAG architecture can retrieve and analyze internal network performance data and external usage trends, optimizing network capacity and improving service quality.

10. Project management

  • Industry: construction
  • Pain point: large construction projects require meticulous planning and risk management, which is data-intensive.
  • Solution: a RAG system can access project-specific documents, historical project data, and risk assessment reports to provide comprehensive project plans and risk mitigation strategies that increase project efficiency and reduce delays.

Best practices for RAG implementation

Talbot West is here to guide you through every step of the implementation process. Here are the aspects we emphasize for our clients:

  • Start small. Begin with a manageable subset of your data to launch a pilot project and demonstrate proof of concept. After we test and refine your RAG system, it’s time to scale up.
  • Prioritize data quality. Your RAG system is only as good as the data you feed it. That’s why we focus heavily on document preprocessing so that your RAG is fed the most delicious, easily-digestible information possible.
  • Monitor and iterate. Test your RAG system and monitor its performance. Iterate as needed with prompt engineering and custom instructions.
  • Be responsible. We'll help you navigate ethical concerns and implement RAG responsibly with a solid governance framework.

At Talbot West, we don't just implement RAG—we partner with you to create a solution tailored to your unique business needs. Our end-to-end support covers everything from initial setup to ongoing optimization.

Ethical concerns of RAG

With RAG, as with any AI implementation, organizations need to proceed thoughtfully and stay on the right side of ethical issues. Our AI governance solutions help you do just this.

Ethical concernPotential solutions

Data privacy and security

AI systems access and use large amounts of data. The retrieval process may expose private data or lead to unauthorized access to confidential information.

Implement robust data protection measures, use anonymization techniques, enforce strict access controls, and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

Misinformation propagation

RAG systems might retrieve and propagate inaccurate or outdated information.

Rigorous preprocessing protocols. Regular monitoring of source attribution for retrieved information.

Bias in retrieved information

Biases in retrieved information can result in discriminatory or unrepresentative content generation.

Diversify and balance the knowledge base, implement bias detection measures in both retrieval and generation processes.

Lack of contextual understanding

RAG systems may retrieve information without fully grasping the context. Misinterpreting the context can result in generating responses that are off-topic, insensitive, or potentially harmful.

Improve context-aware retrieval algorithms, incorporate user feedback mechanisms, and develop better methods for contextual relevance scoring.

Over-reliance on RAG (digital dementia)

Excessive reliance on AI-generated content could lead to a decrease in human creativity and independent problem-solving skills.

Encourage users to view RAG outputs as aids rather than definitive answers, promote digital literacy and critical engagement.

Need some help implementing RAG?

Curious about RAG? Whether you're just exploring or know you need it, we've got you covered.

Let's chat about making your AI smarter!

Work with Talbot WestArt deco-style illustration featuring a futuristic cityscape with tall, geometric skyscrapers. In the foreground, depicts a humanoid figure with a body composed of circuit patterns and glowing nodes.


RAG and LLM fine-tuning are both powerful tools to turn a general-purpose LLM into a specialist. They each have their use case, but RAG is more applicable to most enterprise applications. The two approaches are not exclusive of one another, either: RAG and fine-tuning can be used together for the ultimate in AI specialization.

Read all about the differences between LLM fine-tuning and RAG in our article on the topic.

A pre-trained language model, such as GPT-4, knows a little about a lot of things, but is not a specialist at anything. Paired with relevant context and domain-specific knowledge, a generalist LLM such as GPT-4 can be a specialist.

The retrieval component of RAG accesses external knowledge bases that an ordinary pre-trained model would never have access to. The additional context provided by these knowledge repositories gives RAG the ability to deliver more targeted, informative responses and insights.

Vector databases are high-dimensional systems for mapping relationships between data points. Data points are stored in the high-dimensional vector space as numerical representations known as vector embeddings. The more proximity two data points have, the more relevant they are to one another.

Vector databases are used heavily in AI and machine learning applications. They enable fast similarity searches by using advanced indexing and search algorithms. They feature prominently in recommendation systems, image retrieval, and natural language processing systems.

Generative models (such as large language models) are a type of artificial intelligence capable of generating novel outputs. In the context of RAG, they access external data sources and analyze and contextualize the information. You can query a generative model about your proprietary data and have it provide insights, much like a fast and competent research assistant.

RAG merges targeted data retrieval with text generation for more accurate responses.

1. Enhanced accuracy and relevance

  • External knowledge: RAG retrieves information from large datasets to ensure responses are accurate and relevant.
  • Dynamic updates: can be configured to provide up-to-date information.

2. Combining retrieval and generation

  • Retrieval models: fetch relevant information but lack creativity.
  • Generation models: create diverse text but can be inaccurate.
  • Hybrid approach: RAG combines both, retrieving accurate data and generating contextually appropriate text.

3. Practical applications

  • Customer support: offers precise answers by accessing a knowledge base.
  • Content creation: pulls in facts for high-quality articles and reports.
  • Research: synthesizes information from datasets for insightful responses.

4. Continuous learning

  • Adaptive learning: continuously improves with new data.
  • Reduced hallucination: grounds text generation in real data to avoid errors.

The primary objective of the RAG model is to enhance the accuracy and relevance of knowledge retrieval and analysis.

RAG is primarily focused on enhancing enterprise knowledge retrieval and decisionmaking by leveraging internal and external knowledge sources to produce accurate, relevant, and contextually appropriate content.

ChatGPT is not RAG. It uses general-purpose pre-trained LLMs (GPT 3.5, GPT 4, GPT 4o, etc) that lack specialized knowledge of many niche domains. The platform does allow for the building of custom GPTs, which can be made to function sort of like a lightweight, prototypical RAG.

RAG outperforms a generalist AI in most enterprise contexts, including the following:

  • Handling a complex user query which requires up-to-date information
  • Improving accuracy in customer support systems
  • Enhancing research and data analysis tasks
  • Creating content that needs factual backing
  • Reducing AI hallucinations in text generation
  • Personalizing responses based on specific datasets
  • Addressing questions outside the AI's initial training data


  • Yunfan Gao, & Yun Xiong. (n.d.). Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Large Language Models: A Survey. In Shanghai Research Institute for Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Tongji University bShanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science, School of Computer Science, Fudan University College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University. Retrieved March 27, 2024, from
  • Hao Yu , Aoran Gan , Kai Zhang , Shiwei Tong. (n.d.). Evaluation of Retrieval-Augmented Generation: A Survey. State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Intelligence, University of Science and Technology of China. Retrieved July 3, 2024, from
  • Lewis, P., Perez, E., Piktus, A., Petroni, F., Karpukhin, V., Goyal, N., Küttler, H., Lewis, M., Yih, W. T., Rocktäschel, T., & Riedel, S. (2020). Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks. In 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020).
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. (n.d.). Benchmarking Large Language Models in Retrieval-Augmented Generation. The Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24).
  • Michael Bendersky. (n.d.). Stochastic RAG: End-to-End Retrieval-Augmented Generation through Expected Utility Maximization. In SIGIR ’24, July 14–18, 2024, Washington, DC, USA. SIGIR ’24, July 14–18, 2024, Washington, DC, USA. Retrieved July 14, 2024, from

About the author

Jacob Andra is an entrepreneur, author, and AI expert living in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is the founder of Talbot West, an AI advisory firm. He loves the outdoors, travel, fitness, fatherhood, history, and adventure.
Jacob Andra

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Talbot West bridges the gap between AI developers and the average executive who's swamped by the rapidity of change. You don't need to be up to speed with RAG, know how to write an AI corporate governance framework, or be able to explain transformer architecture. That's what Talbot West is for. 

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